Mon to Sat morning 7:30am to 5:00pm
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Course Detail

Docker Container Course


Course Duration
Course OverView

This course introduces students to the main concepts of containers generally and Docker specifically and covers all its core features including:

  • The basics of how Docker works
  • How to install the Docker Community Edition
  • How to manage images, containers, networks, and volumes
  • Build images using a Dockerfile
  • Tag images and push them to Docker Hub
  • Use Docker Compose to deploy Microservices to Docker
  • Run Docker in Swarm Mode for a more production-ready environment

Use Secrets to protect sensitive data like passwords

Course Audience

System administrators, developers

Course Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Environment

Chapter 3: Docker Under the Hood

Chapter 4: Docker Basics

Chapter 5: Networking

Chapter 6: Storage

Chapter 7: Dockerfile

Chapter 8: Building and Distributing Images

Chapter 9: Managing Images

Chapter 10: Container Management

Chapter 11: Docker Compose

Chapter 12: Docker Swarm

Chapter 13: Docker Security

Course Completion


Course Prerequisites

Proficiency with the Linux CLI. A broad understanding of Linux system administration.

Course Schedule