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Course Detail

DevOps for Web Application


Course Duration
Course OverView

This introductory course explains the fundamentals of web application architecture for developers and DevOps. Learn how the HTTP request/response cycle works, web authentication, and caching for implementation troubleshooting, and performance testing.

Learn how full stack applications send data between servers, and REST API architecture components enable client/server communications. The topics in this course are prerequisite for web application troubleshooting and performance analysis.

Course Audience

➢ Backend Developer
➢ Frontend Developer
➢ System Administrators
➢ Server Engineer
➢ Solution Architecture
➢ Software Engineer
➢ Software Development Manager

Course Outline

1. Introductions DevOps
• What is DevOps?
• Brief History of DevOps
• Goals of DevOps
• Skill Required for DevOps
• DevOps Careers
• DevOps Concepts and Practices
• DevOps Tools
• DevOps and The Cloud
2. Docker, Docker Compose
3. Nginx, Kong API Gateway, Swag , SSL Encryption
4. Jenkins Automation Server
5. Automation on projects using Docker, Nginx, Jenkins pipeline.
6. Ansible
7. Automate Deployment with projects using Docker, Nginx, Jenkins and Ansible
8. Automate Infrastructure server, install tools, setup application with Docker, Nginx, Jenkins and Ansible
9. Kubernetes
10. Automate with projects using Docker, Nginx, Jenkins , Ansible and Kubernetes.
11. Monitoring Tools
12. Bonus Session

Course Completion


Course Prerequisites

➢ Linux Basic Command
➢ Git Basic Command
➢ How to use DigitalOcean
➢ How to use CloudFlare
➢ Networking Basic
➢ Application Basics
➢ Web Servers
➢ Databases
➢ Multi-Tier Applications

Course Schedule